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China's wood plastic industry is "on an equal footing" with developed countries
Release Date:2017-06-08 17:41:14      Number of clicks:1596

"Wood plastic industry is one of the few industries in China's manufacturing industry that enjoy equal voice with European and American developed countries." Recently, Liu Jia, Secretary General of the wood plastic composite Committee of China Association for comprehensive utilization of resources (hereinafter referred to as the wood plastic special committee), told reporters in Beijing that the technology level of wood plastic building materials has improved rapidly after they have successfully ranked among the Beijing Olympic Games and the Shanghai World Expo.

Great market potential

The exterior wall of the Finnish Pavilion of the Shanghai World Expo and the pedestrian walkway outside the Beijing bird's nest are masterpieces of wood and plastic materials. With the arrival of the 12th Five Year Plan, the concept of energy conservation and environmental protection has become the core vocabulary of China's next five-year plan, and the development prospect of wood plastic industry deserves more attention.

According to the reporter, wood plastic composite material is a reversible recycling multi-purpose new material, which is mainly made of plant renewable biomass resources such as woody, gramineous and vines and their processing residues, mixed with a certain proportion of plastic base materials, and processed and formed by high-tech means such as physics, chemistry and bioengineering. According to Liu Jia: "Wood plastic materials have environmental protection effects and economic advantages. The first is the protection of forest resources. At present, China's annual demand for wood is about 100 million cubic meters, the actual supply is only 60 million cubic meters, and the gap is as high as 40 million cubic meters. Every ton of wood plastic materials can reduce deforestation of 1 mu of land. The second is waste utilization, which alone consumes waste every year 1 million tons of old plastics and more than 1.5 million tons of waste plant residues.

Relevant experts said that in the United States, the average annual growth rate of wood plastic market in recent years has exceeded 13%, and the annual sales of wood plastic plate market alone has exceeded billions of dollars. By the end of September 2010, there were more than 350 mainstream enterprises in the wood plastic industry chain in China. China has become a region with optimistic development trend and market capacity of wood plastic industry after North America. According to Liu Jia, the wood plastic industry has entered a period of rapid development in China since 2005. In recent years, the average growth rate of the number of enterprises and output in China's wood plastic industry has exceeded 20%. The total output is expected to reach 500000 tons in 2010, keeping pace with the United States, which once ranked first in the world for a long time.

Broad development prospects

"The emergence of wood plastic composites is not only conducive to alleviate the current shortage of resources and recycling problems, but also opens up another model for the development of new material industry." Liu Jia explained to reporters that using low-cost and even waste resources for industrial development and promotion is the advantage of wood plastic composites. Wood plastic materials are widely used in packaging, storage industry, urban construction and horticulture, home decoration, furniture and building formwork.

According to the reporter, many problems in China's wood plastic industry need to be solved urgently. First, China's wood plastic industry can not form a certain scale of industrial clusters and group pulling effect; Second, the configuration of domestic production lines is not ideal, especially the shortage of complete sets of products; Third, the quality of most wood plastic products is not high, and the type is single. Many products are still crude and simple low-end materials, lacking market competitiveness; Fourth, many relevant R & D institutions and auxiliary manufacturers lack coordination with enterprises and cannot provide mutual support. So, "The wood plastic composite material project has been included in the" budget resources and environmental protection fund "funded projects by the state, and has recently entered the ranks of national strategic emerging industries. At the same time, wood plastic composite materials have also been written into the 12th Five Year Plan for comprehensive utilization of resources (draft) and the outline of China's technology policy for comprehensive utilization of resources , it has become one of the key comprehensive utilization industries developed by the state. " Liu Jia said. It is understood that WPC has organized and participated in more than 10 large-scale exhibitions at home and abroad. Meanwhile, the association also visited the National Forest Products Laboratory of the United States, visited Japan's hydrochemical industry, and signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Japan's wood plastic industry organization.

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